Bill Goettlicher

Reclamation Office: Technical Service Center, Water Resources Planning and Operations Support
Contact Information: (303) 445-2275,

Research Funded by the Science and Technology Program

Bill Goettlicher provided research for the Science and Technology Program in the 2010 fiscal year. Projects were funded under the Science and Technology Program research topic Public and Employee Safety.

The following research project was funded in whole or in part by the Science and Technology Program. Bill Goettlicher is listed as the principal investigator, or primary researcher. Click the project's title to view more information.

Developing a New Methodology to Determine Economic Consequences of Mishaps Along Urbanized Canals with Customized Loss Estimation Software and Referencing High Resolution Imagery and LIDAR Acquired During a Canal Breach

Project ID: 8621
Fiscal Year of Funding: 2010
Research Results: Projecting Economic Consequences of Urban Canal Breaches (final, PDF, 531KB)

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Last Updated: 11/17/20