Reclamation-Wide Site Investigation Data on Tessel

Project ID: 9895
Principal Investigator: Khadija NgoziBullock
Research Topic: Water Resource Data Analysis
Funded Fiscal Years: 2016
Keywords: None

Research Question

The new version of Reclamation's web-based GIS system, Tessel, is now Reclamation-wide.
Tessel allows us to view and publish dynamic maps rich with geospatial data for efficient and
standardized geographical information to be shared between regions, local and area offices.
This powerful mapping application may be the best tool to assemble Reclamation site
investigation data in an effort to make the data readily discoverable, accessible, and usable to all
Reclamation stakeholders.
Site investigation data is defined as any field data Reclamation has obtained for aid in planning,
decision making and designing such as groundwater wells, aquifer wells, piezometers, test pits,
direct push, standard penetration, and cone penetrometer test locations, cross-hole shear wave
and soil resistivity surveys, and physical borehole logging.
This research seeks to:
Determine best practices for efficient and effective methods of developing non-project specific
databases for comprehensive use within Reclamation's GIS system. This centralized database will
allow for transparent dissemination of investigation information across regional, local and area
offices, as well as the capability to perform detailed query searches and spatial statistical

Need and Benefit

Currently all site investigation data is project specific, and generally also region or office specific,
meaning that everyone is responsible for managing and storing their own data. This
departmentalization creates a confusing workplace whereby the stakeholders are not clear on
the comprehensive picture. Field investigations are often requested without the knowledge of
prior investigations. Often stakeholders are harboring multiple versions of interim data unsure if
its quality and/or validity. Because of this lack of centralization, design assumptions are often
made without reviewing all available and/or pertinent data.
The ability to have all site investigation information in one place will alleviate the issues
discussed above. In addition, the comprehensive database will provide a great decision making
tool where multiple aspects of the site investigation can be considered. The comprehensive
database will also become a great research tool in potentially relaying historical data for forensic
studies, as well as illuminating problem areas.

Contributing Partners

Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.

Research Products

Bureau of Reclamation Review

The following documents were reviewed by experts in fields relating to this project's study and findings. The results were determined to be achieved using valid means.

Reclamation-Wide Site Investigation Data on Tessel (final, PDF, 4.1MB)
By Khadija NgoziBullock
Publication completed on September 30, 2016

Preliminary research has been performed to determine if a non-project specific database for comprehensive use within the Bureau of Reclamation's web-based GIS system (BORGIS or Tessel) will be of value to Reclamation. This centralized database will allow for transparent dissemination of data across regional, local and area offices, congruent with the goals of the Reclamation Data Council (RDC). This report discusses the results of a questionnaire polled to Reclamation and provides recommendation to the RDC in support of their mission.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20