Service Life Prediction Model for AAR Affected Concrete

Project ID: 4884
Principal Investigator: Jeffery Keim
Research Topic: Repair and Maintenance
Funded Fiscal Years: 2016
Keywords: None

Research Question

How can Bureau of Reclamation and US Army Corps of Engineers develop standardized test methods and models
for alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) data to determine the lifespan of our current structures?

Need and Benefit

Around 20 structures for Reclamation have been affected by AAR. New structures have been built to replace
some of these structures do to the damage that occurs. USACE have concrete structures that are affected with
AAR. The cracking and expansion of concrete can cause it to lose its strength or can impact the function of
gates, bridges and machinery with the expansion. There are no standardized test methods or models to
implement the AAR test data to help determine the remaining structure life.

Contributing Partners

Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.

Research Products

Bureau of Reclamation Review

The following documents were reviewed by experts in fields relating to this project's study and findings. The results were determined to be achieved using valid means.

Service Life Prediction Model for AAR Affected Concrete (final, PDF, 368KB)
By Scott Keim
Publication completed on September 30, 2016

This report is a scoping study to determine if a service life prediction model exists for ASR affected concrete structures. Models exist to determine how ASR may affect a structure but no model was found that provides service life prediction specifically for ASR affected structures.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20