Learning from the Past, Inspection of Historic Penstock Lining Field Trials; Shasta Penstocks and Collbran Siphon

Project ID: 22024
Principal Investigator: Allen Skaja
Research Topic: Improved Power Generation
Funded Fiscal Years: 2022 and 2023
Keywords: None

Research Question

Can Reclamation learn from previous linings field trials to select modern lining systems for long term corrosion protection and erosion resistance?

At Collbran, the 10 year inspection showed 25 of 36 coatings providing excellent corrosion protection. Reclamation desires a 50 year service life, and learning what coatings in this study are still providing corrosion protection at 60 years will assist researchers determine what coatings properties can achieve this goal.

In addition, the 10 year report stated the neoprene lining was the only system to provide erosion resistance at 10-years of service, no other follow up inspection has been performed since. Did neoprene linings provide long-term erosion resistance? (currently at 61 years of service) Again it is uncertain if neoprene is still providing erosion resistance, but all other coatings in that field trial failed prior to 10 years. This is the best chance of learning what material properties are required to provide long-term erosion resistance. The reports documented the dry film thickness of each coat during application, we can use dry film thickness to determine how much material is remaining to determine the erosion rate.

Need and Benefit

Field trials in 1949 at Shasta Penstocks and in 1959 at Collbran siphon did scaleup trials on over 60 lining materials in combination. This research opportunity would provide inspections of these historic field trials, better knowledge gained than any coating manufacturer and a report hasn't been updated since 1972. Learning from the past what linings provide long term performance in actual erosion, and high water flow environments is vital in solving these challenging problems.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20