Evaluation and Validation of Fatigue on Aging Hydro Mechanical Components using Finite Element Analysis

Project ID: 21091
Principal Investigator: Marcel Sorel
Research Topic: Improved Power Generation
Funded Fiscal Years: 2021, 2022 and 2023
Keywords: None

Research Question

The results of FEA can be used to analyze and predict characteristics of existing powerplant equipment such as stress concentrations, vibration resonances, or modes of failure like fatigue. The findings and capabilities from this research are expected to have far reaching effects on Reclamation's ability to proactively prevent catastrophic failures, through more effective inspections, and proper analysis of facility equipment to include cranes, gates, bearing brackets, operating rings and more. Gaining this new capability and knowledge will likely save Reclamation significant costs associated with rework, contracting, unit downtime and increased operational safety.

Need and Benefit

This project will evaluate and validate the effect fatigue has on aging mechanical components. This would be done using finite element analysis (FEA). FEA is a method of calculating and predicting how complex systems react to real-world forces with the aid of a computer system. Elements of a system are broken into a mesh (small solvable portions of a larger component) and run through a solver such as ANSYS to gain usable data and information.

Contributing Partners

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Research Products

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Last Updated: 6/22/20