Sediment effects on river restoration habitat features: physical processes and guidelines for effective and sustainable design, planning, and maintenance

Project ID: 21088
Principal Investigator: Drew Baird
Research Topic: Sediment Management and River Restoration
Funded Fiscal Years: 2021, 2022 and 2023
Keywords: None

Research Question

Within the Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation) species recovery programs, side channels, backwaters, channel widening, and bankline lowering measures are commonly constructed. To maximize long term habitat benefits, program managers need guidelines to plan, design, construct, adaptively manage, and maintain habitat features to reduce effects of sediment deposition. This research goes beyond using historical observations to understand how these features evolve over time. Applying sediment transport modeling will provide knowledge of the physical processes governing sediment effects to effectively plan and design habitat restoration.

Need and Benefit

Throughout Reclamation there are species recovery programs developing and implementing restoration projects to improve degraded habitats. To date there is not an understanding of the physical processes of sediment transport and deposition within constructed habitat features. Constructed habitat restoration project loose habitat benefits over time due to sediment deposition. To maximize long term habitat benefits guidelines are needed to reduce effects of sediment deposition.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20