Cost Estimating Guidelines for Dam Decommissioning Alternative

Project ID: 21084
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Bountry
Research Topic: Sediment Management and River Restoration
Funded Fiscal Years: 2021 and 2022
Keywords: None

Research Question

This project will develop a cost estimating guideline for dam removals by drawing upon Reclamation and partner dam removal experience. This guidance will not only benefit staff performing technical consultations on dam removals and low-head dam modifications but will also contribute to dam safety alternative analyses that require dam removal as one possible solution.

Need and Benefit

This proposal addresses a need to "Develop more cost-effective methods for removing sediment in reservoirs to maintain or increase lost storage" by providing a method to estimate costs for considering dam removal as an alternative to mitigation and repairs.There are currently no available guidelines for estimating the cost of a dam removal or even the range of potential costs. Each site has to be individually assessed and there is no database or available information to compare to.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20