Abrasivity of Slurry-Transported Sediment: Development of a Laboratory-Based Test System

Project ID: 21054
Principal Investigator: Evan Lindenbach
Research Topic: Sediment Management and River Restoration
Funded Fiscal Years: 2021, 2022 and 2023
Keywords: None

Research Question

Devising a way to quantify the effects of abrasive sediment is critically important in monitoring damage, predicting failures, estimating service life of existing reservoir infrastructure, and optimizing design and selection of materials of future infrastructure repairs and modifications. This research seeks to develop a laboratory-based test method to evaluate the abrasive potential of slurry-mobilized sediment. A project to replace the sludge piping at the Imperial Dam/All American Canal Desilting Basins are currently underway due to the pipes being deteriorated by the sludge. This project has a partner from the YAO who will provide soils from this project for testing to demonstrate immediate application potential.

Need and Benefit

This research seeks to develop a test method to evaluate the abrasion potential of sediments flowing through outlet works, pumping structures, etc. A component of this research will be to identify Reclamation facilities with known sedimentation issues and obtain samples to this sediment to evaluate its potential to cause abrasion on said facility's infrastructure.

This is an industry-wide need, as demonstrated by partners at Denver Water and ERDC. This research represents a low-cost opportunit

Contributing Partners

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Research Products

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Last Updated: 6/22/20