Crafting a Modern Systems Approach in Assessing Critical Nodes for Regional Security and Regional Safety of Dams: Evolving Beyond the Legacy Program

Project ID: 21029
Principal Investigator: Alexander Smith
Research Topic: Condition Assessment
Funded Fiscal Years: 2021, 2022 and 2023
Keywords: None

Research Question

This project is no longer proceeding.

The purpose of the systems-approach for the critical node study is to rank each facility based on their contribution to Reclamation's mission. The strategy is to identify all of Reclamation's missions and then have Reclamation experts with different backgrounds independently allot a weight, based on mission criticality, to each identified mission. The missions were broken down into five categories: environmental responsibility, flood control, power generation, recreation and water delivery. These weights are to be averaged so outliers do not significantly alter the utilized weights. After the missions of Reclamation are identified and weighted, each facility will then be rated by Reclamation and partner agency experts. This rating will reflect the contribution of each facility toward the mission. A matrix will be used to apply the weights to the rating factors and rank all facilities in order of their contribution to Reclamation's overall mission.

Need and Benefit

For this phase, only the facilities along the Colorado River's main stem will be examined. However, this systems-approach may reveal broader applications to other major water conveyance systems in the Lower Colorado Basin Region.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20