Physical and Surrogate Data Collection of Sediment Transport in Ephemeral Systems

Project ID: 21015
Principal Investigator: David Varyu
Research Topic: Sediment Management and River Restoration
Funded Fiscal Years: 2021, 2022 and 2023
Keywords: None

Research Question

This research will benefit any office charged with rivers that have ephemeral tributaries. The work to be completed under this proposal expands on the knowledge gained so far and aims to continue data collection at the Pinos site; compare the data collected at the Pinos site to established modeling methodologies; including Reclamation's BORAMEP program as well as at least one watershed modeling tool for estimating sediment yield; cooperate with project partners to identify and select a new site for data collection; hypothesize the relationship between surrogate and physical measurements based on basin characteristics such as drainage area, average slope, lithology, bed material size distribution; and design a data collection platform at a new site so the hypothesis can be tested.

Need and Benefit

A method to adequately quantify sediment delivery from ephemeral tributaries in a reliable and cost-effective manner does not exist. River maintenance and other in-channel projects – whether for water delivery, public safety, river stability and habitat restoration, or other – need to be designed and implemented with knowledge of river processes and channel morphology to ensure project success. Process and morphology are a result of the magnitude and timing of water and sediment delivery to the channel.

Contributing Partners

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Last Updated: 6/22/20