- Reclamation
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- Research Projects
- Assessment of the Effects of Plant Physiological Responses to Atmospheric Forcings Affecting Crop Water Use and Yields: Literature Review and Model Comparisons
Assessment of the Effects of Plant Physiological Responses to Atmospheric Forcings Affecting Crop Water Use and Yields: Literature Review and Model Comparisons
Project ID: 1858
Principal Investigator: Michael Tansey
Research Topic: Water Operation Models and Decision Support Systems
Funded Fiscal Years:
Keywords: None
Research Question
Do plant physiological responses to potential changes in future atmospheric forcings significantly affect the estimation of crop water use and yields used in long term water and related resource impact assessment and adaptation planning studies? If so, which physiologic responses are most sensitive to potential changes in which of the atmospheric forcings? How might the results of this study be used to inform the selection of models used in future Reclamation Secure Water Act Reports, WWCRA Climate Risk Assessments, WaterSMART Basin Studies, NEPA and Feasibility Studies?
Need and Benefit
Changes in future atmospheric forcings will be one of the major challenges affecting the long term sustainability of Reclamation projects. Understanding how these changes will impact ETa and yields and which methods are effective in representing them hydrologic and planning models was identified as a high priority knowledge gap (4.02 WH) in Reclamation's "Addressing Climate Change in Long-Term Water Resources Planning and Management" report - January 2011. This project addresses these needs by systematically evaluating the effects a range of potential future atmospheric forcings on ETa and evaluating the sensitivity of ETa to various physiological responses by comparing how much ETa may differ when simulated by both physiological and Kc methods. The completion of this study will provide important information for selection of models simulating crop and urban outdoor water demands used in Secure Water Act, WWCRA, WaterSMART, NEPA and Feasibility studies.
Contributing Partners
Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.
Research Products
Bureau of Reclamation Review
The following documents were reviewed by experts in fields relating to this project's study and findings. The results were determined to be achieved using valid means.
Plant Physiological Responses to Atmospheric Forcings Affecting Crop Water Use and Yields: Literature Review and Model Comparisons (final, PDF, 6.0MB)
By Michael Tansey
Research Product completed on September 30, 2018
Plant Responses to Atmospheric Forcings (final, PDF, 291KB)
By Michael Tansey
R&D Bulletin completed on September 30, 2019