West-wide Resource Assessment and Management Planning User’s Platform

Project ID: 1783
Principal Investigator: Michael Tansey
Research Topic: Water Resource Data Analysis
Funded Fiscal Years: 2017
Keywords: None

Research Question

The West-wide Climate Planning Data Viewer (WwCPDV) addresses the needs for communicating climate change information and tools to support long-term (> 5 years) planning. These needs (8.01) were identified in the Climate Change and Water Working Group (CCWWAG) report (2011) as being of a high priority. Additionally, this proposal addresses Reclamation's Open Water Data Initiative goal by improving access to climate change data and study results.
This objective of this scoping proposal is to develop a full proposal for submission on FY 2018. Prior to conducting the full project, it is important to work collaboratively with a wide range of potential users to insure the WwOWDV platform is both comprehensive and flexible enough meet the needs of a wide range of users and audiences.
Additionally, funding of this project will address the Open Water Data Initiative goals of making federal agency data more available to stakeholders and the public.

Need and Benefit

With an increasing recognition of the importance climate change in long-term planning, the CCWWAG implemented a
multi-stakeholder process to determine priorities for investments in climate change assessment and adaptation planning. Of all the categories of needs, communicating results and uncertainties to decision makers was consistently ranked the highest need.
In the past five years, Reclamation has been responding to policy and legislative mandates to integrate climate change into long-term planning and resource management decisions. Until recently, studies addressing these issues have been presented in the form of comprehensive reports without and easy means for decision makers to explore the results interactively. As stresses from climate, population and land use changes increase, the urgency for making informed decisions on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies continues to grow. This proposal addresses these increasingly urgent needs in the highest need category identified in the CCAWWG collaborative study.

Contributing Partners

Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.

Research Products

Bureau of Reclamation Review

The following documents were reviewed by experts in fields relating to this project's study and findings. The results were determined to be achieved using valid means.

West-wide Resource Assessment and Management Planning User's Platform (final, PDF, 1,018KB)
By Michael Tansey
Research Product completed on September 30, 2017

This research product summarizes the research results and potential application to Reclamation's mission.

West-wide Resource Assessment and Management Planning User's Platform (final, PDF, 1,018KB)
By Michael Tansey
Research Product completed on September 30, 2017

This research product summarizes the research results and potential application to Reclamation's mission.

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Last Updated: 6/22/20