Environmental Resources Data Mapping Pilot to support Reservoir Operations Planning

Project ID: 1758
Principal Investigator: George Herbst
Research Topic: Water Operation Models and Decision Support Systems
Funded Fiscal Years: 2017 and 2018
Keywords: None

Research Question

Can a general framework for a geospatial tool be developed for a reservoir or reservoir system that provides early indication of environmental compliance considerations in the area to bound potential operations actions directed toward climate change response? And, can this framework be applied more broadly as a model for integrated planning for other program activities?

Need and Benefit

Need: The Reclamation SECURE Reservoir Operations Team (SRO Team) undertaking the Reservoir Operations Pilot Initiative has identified a lack of consolidated environmental (i.e. NEPA, ESA, NHPA, FWS, etc.) information necessary to reach regulatory compliance in support of reservoir operations adaptive planning.
Benefit: An ERDM for reservoir operations planning will allow for better, faster, more cost-effective operational planning. Additionally, it will be a model for managing environmental data in an open data format consistent with EO13642 and OMB M-13-13.
Urgency: The Reservoir Operations Pilot Initiative is a high priority action under Reclamation's Climate Change Adaptation. One of the key objectives is to develop Reclamation-wide guidance by September 2018 to provide information to operators that will enhance reservoir operations and planning. This tool would be an essential complement to the guidance document that could be released simultaneously.

Contributing Partners

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Research Products

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Last Updated: 6/22/20