- Reclamation
- R&D
- Research Projects
- Study the use of alternative battery chemistry solutions as a replacement for currently installed lead acid batteries within power generation facilities
Study the use of alternative battery chemistry solutions as a replacement for currently installed lead acid batteries within power generation facilities
Project ID: 1727
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Lynn
Research Topic: Public and Employee Safety
Funded Fiscal Years:
Keywords: None
Research Question
Can alternate battery power storage chemistry, such as lithium ion, be selected that decreases the maintenance requirements of lead acid batteries while increasing safety and reliability all the while meeting or reducing the life-cycle cost of existing technology?
Need and Benefit
Need: BOR is currently using lead acid batteries in required UPS and station service arraignments. All BOR power generation facilities have this technology for backup of critical systems in the power plant. This requires dedicated battery storage rooms that are specially vented to counter the buildup of flammable hydrogen gas that is produce during normal operations of lead acid batteries. The maintenance of these rooms places reclamation personnel in a hazardous area that might be mitigated by the introduction of alternate storage methods. This research will explore new battery technology that has the potential to provide the same capabilities as lead acid batteries while reducing the maintenance needs.
Benefit: Results of this study can be applied to all reclamation power houses. There are ways to store power that can be safer for the personnel while still meeting the reliability requirements for dam control and proper function. Looking at life cycle costs new battery technology can either be phased in as it becomes time to replace existing batteries, or if the return on investment is there we can evaluate and accelerated replacement strategy.
Urgency: This study assesses emerging and proven power storage media that has been proven in industry. The existing lead acid batteries will remain in place, while functional for the requirement there are un-realized savings that would not be achieved by sticking with lead acid batteries.
Contributing Partners
Contact the Principal Investigator for information about partners.
Research Products
Bureau of Reclamation Review
The following documents were reviewed by experts in fields relating to this project's study and findings. The results were determined to be achieved using valid means.
Study the use of alternative battery chemistry solutions as a replacement for currently installed lead acid batteries within power generation facilities (final, PDF, 253KB)
By Jeffery Lynn, Alexander Smith
Research Product completed on September 30, 2017
Study the use of alternative battery chemistry solutions as a replacement for currently installed lead acid batteries within power generation facilities (final, PDF, 253KB)
By Jeffery Lynn, Alexander Smith
Research Product completed on September 30, 2017