Ergonomic Scoping

Project ID: 1604
Principal Investigator: April Brown
Research Topic: Public and Employee Safety
Funded Fiscal Years: 2016, 2017 and 2018
Keywords: None

Research Question

What are the most effective measurement tools to evaluate ergonomics to determine the need for ergonomic assessments of Hydropower facilities, field project, and area offices? 1. What is the usefulness/effectiveness of utilizing the "Ergonomic Toolkit" as a tool for accomplishing the ergonomic assessments?

Need and Benefit

The importance of this ergonomic scoping proposal project is to prevent accidents related to the working environment. Ergonomics is the study of fitting a job to the worker. This ergonomic study will help identify areas to lessening muscle fatigue, stress from joints, lower back, and prevent soft tissue tares for individuals that work contorted positions in an industrial setting. The purpose of this study is to prevent an ergonomic related injury on the job. Ergonomics works as a way to access the needs of the employees in their working environments. The Lower Colorado Region over the last year had about four OSHA 300 log incidents that relate to lower back stress and soft tissue tares on the job working habits. This Ergonomic scoping study will allow the safety office to measure the incoming ergonomic problems happening throughout the region especially in our industrial facilities. The goal of this scoping project is to test different ergonomic equipment (one for push and pull assessment and the other total body). This project will focus on what actual ergonomic equipment is useful to use throughout the region. This project will not only help identify ergonomic issues throughout the region but also help identify helpful ergonomic tools that all of the Bureau Reclamation (Reclamation) can use

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Last Updated: 6/22/20