CPNRO Dam Operator Training (CDOT) - Classroom

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CDOT General Details CDOT 2023 Registration CDOT 2023 Lodging 

Class Schedule: Dam Operator Training is held annually during the off-water season, traditionally the first week of December.

Date of CDOT Class Where Class is Being Offered
December 5-6, 2023 Richland, WA --- See links above for Registration and Lodging
December 2024 Bend, OR
December 2025 Idaho Falls, ID
December 2026 Yakima, WA

Dam Operator Training (Classroom): The Columbia-Pacific Northwest Regional Office Annual Classroom Dam Operator Training is normally conducted in late November or early December each year. Reclamation's Directives and Standards for the Operating Practices and Procedures for High and Significant Potential Dams FAC 02-01 (04/2022), mandates that all primary and alternate dam operators responsible for the operations and maintenance of high-and significant-hazard dams within Reclamation's jurisdiction attend Classroom Dam Operator Training every four years.

The Directives and Standards further mandate that the primary dam operator and at least one alternate dam operator participate in on-site dam operator review (on-site review) for the dam(s) which they are assigned every eight years. As part of the on-site review, completion of a proficiency review form, which is included in the Directives and Standards, is required and is based on Classroom Dam Operator Training attendance and a demonstration of knowledge of operations and maintenance regarding the dam(s) during the on-site review.

Content of Dam Operator Training (Classroom)
Purposes of Reclamation Projects (how dams in the area interrelate) Design and Construction of Safe Dams
Awareness of dam failures, incidents, and risks from natural or man-made hazards Instrumentation (purposes, types, locations, readings and maintenance requirements)
Dam tender/operator duties and responsibilities, including general safety and security awareness and procedures Emergency Management / Emergency Action Plans / Incident Command System
Documentation (operating and reference) Standing Operating Procedures
Reference material and supporting documentation Hydrology and reservoir operations

Who Should Attend Dam Operator Training (Classroom)
Reclamation's Directives and Standards for the Operating Practices and Procedures for High and Significant Potential Dams FAC 02-01 (04/2022), clearly define who should attend CDOT. For a list of previous attendees training dates for your agency, please contact the CDOT Organizer, Suzanne Henderson at shenderson@usbr.gov

Reference Documents
Directives and Standards for Operating Practices and Procedures for High and Significant Hazard Potential Dams FAC 02-01 PDF 748 kb

Classroom Dam Operator Training Coordinator
Suzanne Henderson, MEP
Emergency Management Program Coordinator
Facilities O&M

Bureau of Reclamation
Pacific Northwest Region
1150 Curtis Road
Boise, ID 83706

Last Updated: 8/18/23