Middle Entiat Habitat Improvement Project

The Bureau of Reclamation issued the final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact February 2018 for a habitat improvement project on the Entiat River in Chelan County, Washington. The project will enhance fish habitat and floodplain connectivity along a four-mile stretch of the river through the construction of large, woody material structures; re-establishment of side channels; and a levee removal. The project will increase the amount of suitable habitat for fish and wildlife species that utilize the Entiat River, with specific focus on Endangered Species Act-listed fish. Implementation of this project will help Reclamation meet its ESA commitments identified in the Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion under Reasonable Prudent Alternative Action 35.

The 30-day public comment period closed Sept. 27, 2017. Comments received are included in the final EA that analyzed two actions: the Proposed Action (implementing the project, as described above) and a No Action alternative (non-implementation). Reclamation selected the Proposed Action for implementation. Reclamation is the lead agency for the EA and has prepared it in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.

02/2018 Middle Entiat Habitat Improvement Project FONSI and Final EA PDF 4.50 mb
08/2017 Middle Entiat Habitat Improvement Project Draft EA PDF 3.62 mb


Steve Kolk
Wenatchee/Entiat Subbasin Liaison
(509) 667-8494

Bureau of Reclamation
Wenatchee/Entiat Subbasin
301 Yakima Street, Room 319
Wenatchee, WA 98801

Rebecca Thompson
Project Manager
(208) 378-5191

Bureau of Reclamation
1150 North Curtis Road, Suite 100
Boise, Idaho 83706-1234

Last Updated: 5/22/20