Columbia River Basin Tributary Habitat Restoration

Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville, as lead agency) and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation, as cooperating agency), have prepared a programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) for tributary fish and wildlife habitat restoration actions throughout the Columbia River Basin in the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Utah. The environmental review was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Actions described in the EA range from those such as fencing and planting, to bridge construction, instream habitat improvements, and stream channel reconstruction.

Reclamation’s action, through its Tributary Habitat Program, is to provide technical assistance, directly or through grant funding, for habitat project development, design, and technical services. These actions would cover projects in the John Day and Grande Ronde sub-basins in Oregon, Upper Salmon sub-basin in Idaho, and Upper Columbia River sub-basin in Washington. Most of these projects would be implemented in coordination with Bonneville and represent an overall tributary habitat restoration program to mitigate for effects of the development and operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System on fish and wildlife; some projects, however, may be funded through other Reclamation partners.

The EA is a programmatic document analyzing the impacts of implementing tributary fish and wildlife restoration projects across the Columbia River Basin and facilitating environmental reviews of numerous future projects. A no-action alternative was also analyzed in which this programmatic analysis would not be used to facilitate individual project reviews. The EA describes anticipated impacts to the human environment and identifies mitigation measures to help avoid or minimize impacts. During this process, Bonneville has engaged tribes; Federal, state, and local agencies; and interest groups. Reclamation has issued a Finding of No Significant Impacts for these programmatic actions.

12/2020 Columbia River Basin Tributary Habitat Restoration Finding of No Significant Impact PDF 504 kb
Columbia River Basin Tributary Habitat Restoration >>


Rebecca Thompson
Natural Resource Specialist
(208) 378-5191

Bureau of Reclamation
1150 N. Curtis Road
Boise, Idaho 83336

Rob Shull
Environmental Protection Specialist
(503) 230-3962

Bonneville Power Administration - ECF-4
PO Box 3621
Portland, OR 97208 -3621

Last Updated: 12/29/20