Partial Assignment of New Union Ditch Company Ltd.'s Contract Entitlement in Lucky Peak Reservoir EA and FONSI

In November 2005, the Bureau of Reclamation issued a Finding of No Significant Impact for a proposed approval of assignments of a portion New Union Ditch Company’s contract entitlements in Lucky Peak Reservoir to Wilderness Ranch and Osprey subdivisions. Both subdivisions are located along Mores Creek northeast of Boise, Idaho. The FONSI is based on analysis of environmental impacts disclosed in the draft environmental assessment for the proposal issued July 2005.

11/2005 Partial Assignment of New Union Ditch Company Ltd's Contract Entitlement in Lucky Peak Reservoir EA and FONSI PDF 710 kb


Jim Taylor
Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist
(208) 383-2260

Bureau of Reclamation
Snake River Area Office
230 Collins Road
Boise ID 83702

Last Updated: 4/19/23