Lucky Peak Water Service Contracts Renewal or Conversion Environmental Assessment and FONSI

The Bureau of Reclamation has issued a final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for renewal or conversion of water service contracts that provide irrigation water stored in Lucky Peak Reservoir.

Reclamation proposes to implement the Preferred Alternative as described in the final Environmental Assessment. Under the Preferred Alternative Reclamation would convert the existing water service contracts to repayment contracts for the amount of storage requested by the contractors, not to exceed the original contract amount, under mutually agreeable terms and conditions. Since all contractors have requested conversion for the same amount of storage under their current water service contracts, the total amount of storage that would be under contract would remain 71,018 acre-feet. The total reservoir storage capacity of approximately 293,000 acre-feet.

04/2004 Lucky Peak Water Service Contracts Renewal or Conversion Environmental Assessment and FONSI PDF 15.82 mb


Jim Taylor
Supervisory Environmental Protection Specialist
(208) 383-2260

Bureau of Reclamation
Snake River Area Office
230 Collins Road
Boise ID 83702

Last Updated: 5/21/20