RAPID CITY, S.D. – The Bureau of Reclamation will begin decreasing water releases at Deerfield Dam Wednesday, March 22, 2023, to allow maintenance in the outlet works conduit. The work is expected to last for a period of three hours in the morning. The release to Castle Creek will be decreased from 13 cubic feet per second (cfs) to two cfs and maintained through the bypass valve. Once the repairs have been made, the flows will increase from two cfs to 13 cfs. The scheduled work is in coordination with our partners at the City of Rapid City.
Deerfield Dam and Reservoir are part of the Rapid Valley Project which provide irrigation water for about 8,900 acres of farmland, municipal and industrial water supplies for Rapid City and Ellsworth Air Force Base, and wildlife benefits are provided through cooperative efforts between Reclamation and other federal and state agencies.
For more information, please contact Darrin Goetzfried (701) 221-1272.
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