Jun 14, 2022
Statement of Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton, Bureau of Reclamation -
May 25, 2022
Statement of Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton, Bureau of Reclamation on S.737 , St. Mary’s Reinvestment Ac on S.953 , Water Conservation and Farming Act on S. 1179 , Canal Conveyance Capacity Restoration Act on S. 1554 , To make certain irrigation districts eligible for Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program pumping power, and for other purposes on S.2334 , Large Scale Water Recycling Project and Drought Resiliency Investment Act on S. 2693 , Salton Sea Projects Act on S. 3450 , Sun River Hydropower Authorization Act on S.3539 , Watershed Results Act on S.3693 , Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins Act on S.3971 , To amend the America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 to modify a provision relating to cost-sharing requirements applicable to certain Bureau of Reclamation dams and dikes, and for other purposes on S.4175 , To amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to authorize certain extraordinary operation and maintenance work for urban canals of concern on S.4176 , To amend the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to modify the eligibility requirements for certain small water storage and groundwater storage projects and to authorize the use of funds for certain additional Carey Act projects, and for other purposes on S. 4231 , Support to Rehydrate the Environment, Agriculture, and Municipalities (STREAM) Act on S.4232 , To address the recovery of certain costs with respect to certain Reclamation facilities in the Colorado River Basin, and for other purposes on S.4233 , Platte River Basin Critical Maintenance and Repair Act on S. 4236 , To provide for a national water data framework, to provide for the water security of the Rio Grande Basin, to reauthorize irrigation infrastructure grants, and for other purposes -
May 12, 2022
Statement of Chief Engineer David Raff, Ph.D., Bureau of Reclamation on H.R. 6238 , WaterSMART Access for Tribes Act; on H.R. 7632 , Tribal Access to Clean Water Act; on H.R. 7612 , Desalination Research Advancement Act; on H.R. 3081 , To make certain irrigation districts eligible for Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program pumping power, and for other purposes. -
Apr 6, 2022
Statement of Acting Commissioner David Palumbo, Bureau of Reclamation on the President’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget
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