Native American Affairs Program
Native American Affairs Technical Assistance Program
Providing Technical Assistance to Federally Recognized Indian Tribes
Featured Resources:
Technical Assistance Program
Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)
Current Year NOFOs
Prior Year NOFOs and Successful Proposals Approved for Funding
How to Apply to NOFOs and Background Information
Technical Assistance Program
Reclamation has various programs which provide technical assistance to a broad range of entities, such as the Drought Assistance, Wetlands, and Water Recycling Programs. Indian Tribes are eligible for most of these programs and, through them, much assistance has been provided to Tribes. One program is available only to federally recognized Indian Tribes—the Native American Affairs Technical Assistance Program (TAP).
Reclamation's Native American Affairs TAP provides technical assistance to assist Indian Tribes to develop, manage, and protect their water and related resources. The program has supported a broad range of activities in each year since its inception in the early 1990s. Such activities have included water needs assessments, improved water management studies, water quality data collection and assessments, and water measurement studies. Total annual funding for the Native American Affairs TAP ranges between $2 and $3 million.
Work under the Native American Affairs TAP may be carried out in different ways. Sometimes the work is performed by Reclamation under cooperative working relationships with Indian Tribes, which provide the Tribes with opportunities to benefit from Reclamation's technical expertise and resources. Other times, the work is carried out by Indian Tribes under Public Law 93-638. Alternatively, assistance may be provided in the form of training to enhance Tribal members’ knowledge and expertise in the use, protection, and development of water resources. Work may also be carried out in partnership with other governmental or non-governmental entities, thereby enabling assistance provided to Tribes with greater efficiency.
While program direction and leadership for the Native American Affairs TAP is provided by Reclamation's Native American and International Affairs Office (NAIAO) within the Commissioner’s Office, the program is implemented through Regional and Area Offices. Area Office Program Coordinators work with their Regional Program Managers and Indian Tribes to develop project proposals, which are submitted for consideration for funding. Budgetary constraints limit the number of projects which can be funded each year.
Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs)
- Current Year NOFOs
- Prior Year NOFOs and Successful Proposals
- How to Apply to NOFOs and Background Info
Note: Each technical assistance activity considered for the Native American Affairs TAP must satisfy "Program Criteria." Those criteria can be found and are listed in each Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
Current Year NOFOs
- 2025: Technical Assistance to Tribes for Fiscal Year 2025 →
NOFO No. R25AS00016 (Adobe PDF; 1.1 MB)
PAUSED - Budget Detail and Narrative with Instructions (Excel Template; 84 KB)
- SF-424: Application for Federal Assistance (Adobe PDF; 145 KB)
- SF-424A: Budget Information (Adobe PDF; 132 KB)
- SF-424B: Assurances – Non-Construction Programs (Adobe PDF; 49 KB)
- SF-424D: Assurances – Construction Programs (Adobe PDF; 48 KB)
- Notice of Funding Opportunity on
- News Release: Reclamation Announces $7 Million Funding Opportunity for Tribal Water Projects
Note: Each technical assistance activity considered for the Native American Affairs TAP must satisfy "Program Criteria." Those criteria can be found and are listed in each Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
Prior Year NOFOs and Successful Proposals Approved for Funding
- 2024: Emergency Drought Relief for Tribes, IRA of 2022, § 80004 →
NOFO No. R24AS00051 (Adobe PDF; 670 KB)
- News Release: Reclamation Awards Tribes 9.2 Million for Emergency Drought Relief Supported by the Investing in America Agenda [THIS NOFO IS CLOSED]
- 2024: Technical Assistance to Tribes for Fiscal Year 2024 → NOFO No. R24AS00013 (Adobe PDF; 1.5 MB)
- News Release: Reclamation Awards Tribes 9.2 Million for Tribal Water Projects Supported by the Investing
in America Agenda [THIS NOFO IS CLOSED] - 2023: Technical Assistance to Tribes for Fiscal Year 2023 → NOFO No. R23AS00016 (Adobe PDF; 1.4 MB)
- News Release: Reclamation Awards Tribes $4 Million for Water Infrastructure Development and Technology Projects [THIS NOFO IS CLOSED]
- 2022: Technical Assistance to Tribes for Fiscal Year 2022 → NOFO No. R22AS00015 (Adobe PDF; 706 KB)
- News Release: Reclamation Awards $10.3 Million to 26 Tribes for Drought Response Water Projects
- 2021 Proposal: Chickasaw Nation (Adobe PDF; 1.6 MB)
- 2021 Proposal: Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs (Adobe PDF; 593 KB)
- 2021 Proposal: Elk Valley Rancheria (Adobe PDF; 5.0 MB)
- 2021 Proposal: Nez Perce Tribe of the Nez Perce Reservation of 1863 (Adobe PDF; 83 KB)
- 2020: FOA No. BOR-DO-20-F013 (Adobe PDF; 843 KB) [THIS FOA IS CLOSED]
- 2020 Proposal: Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (Adobe PDF; 1.8 MB)
- 2020 Proposal: Elk Valley Rancheria (Adobe PDF; 1.4 MB)
- 2020 Proposal: Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation (Adobe PDF; 561 KB)
- 2019: FOA No. BOR-DO-19-F002 (Adobe PDF; 1.6 MB) [THIS FOA IS CLOSED]
- 2018: FOA No. BOR-DO-18-F001 (Adobe PDF; 397 KB) [THIS FOA IS CLOSED]
- 2017: FOA No. BOR-DO-17-001 (Adobe PDF; 371 KB) [THIS FOA IS CLOSED]
Note: Each technical assistance activity considered for the Native American Affairs TAP must satisfy "Program Criteria." Those criteria can be found and are listed in each Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).
How to Apply to NOFOs and Background Information
Applying for Bureau of Reclamation Funding Opportunities (Video and PDF Slides):
Webinar Slides (Adobe PDF; 9.2 MB)