Project Details
Title: Stampede Dam Safety of Dams Modification Project EA
Tracking Number:
Summary: Reclamation proposes to construct safety modifications to Stampede Dam near Truckee, California. Reclamation performed risk analyses for Stampede Dam and the results indicate that the dam cannot safely pass floodwaters in accordance with Reclamation's Public Protection Guidelines. Modifications are needed to prevent potential overtopping of the dam during an extreme flood event. Failure of Stampede Dam would result in the probable loss of life, failure of downstream dams, significant downstream property damage, and the loss of stored water for fishery enhancement along the Truckee River and Pyramid Lake Fishway facilities. The preferred structural alternative to address the potential overtopping condition involves raising the dam and dike 11.5 feet using mechanically stabilized earth construction techniques to temporarily store flood-waters. The spillway would be modified to accommodate the raised embankment and limit peak flows through the spillway to maintain current flood operations in the Little Truckee River. Two small earthen dikes would be constructed in low-lying areas on the south rim of the reservoir. There would be no changes to the operation of Stampede Reservoir. Reservoir levels and flow releases to the Little Truckee River would continue unchanged over the long term.
Andrea Meier (916) 978-5041 N/A
08/17/2015Figures 2-2 and 2-7 of the EA have been updated to reflect minor changes in haul routes and staging areas.
02/09/2012Public scoping period from September 9 to October 10, 2011. Public comment period on Draft Environmental Assessment from November 22 to December 21, 2011. FONSI signed and Final EA completed on May 11, 2012.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Errata Sheet: updated figures for the EA/FONSI .pdf 5,937,389 B
Final EA\FONSI with revised Fig 2-2, Stampede Dam Safety of Dams Modification Project .pdf 5,617 B
Errata sheet and figure 2-2, Stampede Dam Safety of Dams Modification Project .pdf 1,220 B
Draft EA, Stampede Dam Safety of Dams Modification Project .pdf 1,978 B