Project Details
Title: Kern County Water Agency Improvement District No. 4 Cross Valley Canal Extension Pool No. 8 Lining Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to provide federal funding thought a WaterSMART Grant to ID4 to install a fiber-reinforced concrete lining to a one mile section of the CVC Extension Pool No. 8. The Proposed Action would line the canal with concrete to reduce seepage losses and thereby retain more water volume delivered in the canal. By converting seepage loss to additional water supply, the Proposed Action will also reduce the need to operate groundwater extraction wells in dry years, thus, conserving energy.
Jamie Griffin (916) 978-5035 N/A
04/05/2018FONSI signed April 5, 2018
03/20/2018The public comment period begins March 20 and ends April 3, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI .pdf 152,489 B
Environmental Assessment .pdf 3,834,887 B