Project Details
Title: Refuge Acquisition Agreement for Tertiary Treated Water Project for East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Summary: The Bureau of Reclamation has released for public review the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) analyzing the impacts of purchasing water for the East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex (EBC Refuge). The Proposed Action would allow for the purchase of up to 6,000 acre-feet of tertiary treated water for the EBC Refuge. Reclamation proposes entering into a one year agreement with Santa Rita Water, LCC for the purchase of tertiary treated recycled water. This water acquisition is authorized under the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA), specifically Sections 3406(d)(2) and 3406(b)(3).
Shelly Hatleberg (916) 978 5050 (916) 978-5290
09/12/2017Finding of No Significant Impact and Final Environmental Assessment available.
08/11/2017Public comment from August 17, 2017 through August 31, 2017
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI and Final EA for the Refuge Acquisition Agreement for Tertiary Treated Water Project for East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex .pdf 3,721,301 B
Environmental Assessment 17-13-MP Refuge Acquisition Agreement for Tertiary Treated Water Project for East Bear Creek Unit of the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex .pdf 1,018,801 B