Project Details
Title: Central Valley Project Interim Renewal Contracts for Panoche Water District and San Luis Water District 2017-2019
Summary: The Proposed Action would continue these existing interim renewal contracts, with only minor, administrative changes to the contract provisions to update the previous interim renewal contracts for the new contract period. In the event a new long-term water service contract is executed, the interim renewal contract then-in-effect would be superseded by the long-term water service contract.
Jennifer Lewis 559-487-5197 N/A
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
03/10/2017FONSI signed and Final EA and appendices posted.
01/24/2017Comments due by COB February 14th, 2017.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI .pdf 213,622 B
Final EA .pdf 1,279,744 B
Final Appendix A .pdf 904,935 B
Final Appendix B .pdf 1,797,670 B
Final Appendix C .pdf 2,869,114 B
Final Appendix D .pdf 53,948 B
Final Appendix E .pdf 114,316 B
Final Appendix F .pdf 197,507 B
Draft FONSI .pdf 187,704 B
Draft EA .pdf 1,712,793 B
Appendix A .pdf 52,318 B
Appendix B .pdf 113,582 B
Appendix C .pdf 193,056 B
Appendix D .pdf 1,778,276 B