Project Details
Title: Lower Yuba River Accord EIS/EIR
Summary: The Yuba Accord includes three separate but interrelated agreements that would result in enhancement of fisheries protection on the lower Yuba River, increase certainty of local supply reliability, and provide DWR and Reclamation with increased operational flexibility for protection of Delta fisheries resources through the EWA Program, and provision of supplemental water supplies to state and federal water contractors.
12/05/2007NOI published June 20, 2005. Draft EIS/EIR available for public review on June 25, 2007 - see files below. Appendices F and G were too large for data base access. A DVD or bound copy of entire document is available from Dianne Simodynes, telephone: (916) 569-1096. Final EIR/EIS available on December 6, 2007.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final EIR/EIS; contents, Chapters 1-3; Yuba Accord .pdf 458 B
Final EIR/EIS; comments/responses part 1,Yuba Accord .pdf 6,203 B
Final EIR/EIS; comments/reponses part 2a; Yuba Accord .pdf 4,749 B
Final EIR/EIS; comments/reponses part 2b; Yuba Accord .pdf 2,816 B
Final EIR/EIS; comments/responses part 3,Yuba Accord .pdf 4,943 B
Final EIR/EIS; Chap. 5 -8, Index, Appendix M; Yuba Accord .pdf 1,801 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord; Contents, summary, chap. 1-4 .pdf 4,749 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Chap. 5-8 .pdf 4,413 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Chap. 9-11 .pdf 4,391 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Chap. 12-25 .pdf 3,299 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Appendices Contents, A, C-E, F-K .pdf 4,685 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Appendix B.1 .pdf 4,591 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Appendix B.2 .pdf 4,285 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Appendix B.3 .pdf 4,881 B
Draft EIR/EIS, Yuba Accord, Appendix B.4 .pdf 4,638 B