Project Details
Title: Salmon Conservation and Research Facility Water Infrastructure and Supply Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to amend an existing water service agreement with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to allocate the additional 20 cfs of CVP water requested for non-consumptive use at the Salmon Conservation and Research Facility to be constructed in following years. Until the SCARF is constructed, the additional 20 cfs of CVP water would be used at the Interim Salmon Conservation and Research Facility (Interim Facility). Reclamation also proposes to construct the water supply infrastructure needed to convey the additional 20 cfs, in addition to the 35 cfs currently allocated to the existing San Joaquin River Fish Hatchery and Interim Facility. The additional 20 cfs would be taken through the Friant Dam ROW or a combination of the Friant Dam ROW and the FKC outlet works, depending upon water temperature, O&M conditions, and other parameters.
Becky Victorine (916) 978-4624 916-458-1850 San Joaquin River Restoration Project Office
Adam Nickels (916) 978-4415 (916) 978-5469
03/28/2016EA was completed and FONSI signed on March 28, 2016. Draft EA was made available for public review from January 29 - February 29, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
EA, Salmon Conservation and Research Facility Water Infrastructure and Supply Project .pdf 5,058,776 B
FONSI, Salmon Conservation and Research Facility Water Infrastructure and Supply Project .pdf 2,425,639 B