Project Details
Title: San Luis Solar Project
Summary: Reclamation proposes to grant a 30-year Land Use Authorization to San Luis Renewables and/or their Assignee(s) to access, install, operate, maintain and remove on Federal lands a 26-megawatt alternating current solar photovoltaic energy generating project known as the San Luis Solar Project (Project). The Project would be constructed on three sites along O'Neill Forebay in and adjacent to the San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area to the northwest of the State Route (SR) 152/SR 33 interchange in Gustine, Merced County, California
Jennifer Lewis 559-487-5197 N/A
05/01/2018FONSI Signed
01/20/2016Draft EA available for review on December 14, 2015. The original comment period closed on Friday, Jan. 15. The comment period has been extended to Friday, January 22, 2016.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Final FONSI, San Luis Solar Project .pdf 206,914 B
Final EA, San Luis Solar Project .pdf 5,939,180 B
Final EA, San Luis Solar Project, Appendix A Part 1 .pdf 6,014,166 B
Final EA, San Luis Solar Project, Appendix A Part 2 .pdf 5,919,317 B
Final EA, San Luis Solar Project, Appendix A Part 3 .pdf 5,150,567 B
Final EA, San Luis Solar Project, Appendix B .pdf 3,490,244 B
Final EA, San Luis Solar Project, Appendices C, D, E .pdf 2,418,340 B
Draft FONSI, San Luis Solar Project .pdf 117,940 B
Draft EA and Plan of Development,San Luis Solar Project .pdf 6,222,295 B