Project Details
Title: Contracts for Conveyance of Non-Project Water through Klamath Project Facilities
Summary: Reclamation proposes to enter into contracts to allow irrigation districts and/or individuals to convey and/or exchange non-project water through Klamath Project facilities to the extent such excess capacity exists. Under the Proposed Action Alternative, Reclamation would enter into excess capacity contracts for a period of not to exceed five years, ending no later than 2022. The non-Project water conveyed under the proposed contracts would be used for irrigation purposes on lands within the Project's existing service area. No additional lands would become irrigated through operation of such contracts. Conveyance would be limited to use of existing Project facilities, and no new construction would occur to provide for additional or augmented conveyance capacity. Under the Proposed Action Alternative, water quality testing and monitoring would occur as deemed appropriate for each source of non-Project water as outlined in the Quality Assurance Project Plan - Water Quality Standards and Testing included in Appendix E. This is to ensure that non-Project water introduced into Project facilities does not impact quality of Project water or associated water bodies beyond acceptable limits or standards.
Kirk Young (541) 880-2589 N/A
04/19/2018Final EA and FONSI posted.
02/09/2018Draft FONSI and EA available for review from February 9, 2018 to COB February 23, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI - Contracts for Conveyance of Non-Project Water through Klamath Project Facilities .pdf 467,430 B
Final EA - Contracts for Conveyance of Non-Project Water through Klamath Project Facilities .pdf 3,835,678 B
Draft FONSI, Five-Year Contracts for Conveyance of Non-Project Water within Klamath Project Irrigation Facilities - Contract Years 2018-2022 .pdf 121,638 B
Draft EA, Five-Year Contracts for Conveyance of Non-Project Water within Klamath Project Irrigation Facilities - Contract Years 2018-2022 .pdf 3,914,162 B
Initial 2015 draft EA,Five-Year Contracts for Conveyance of Non-Project Water within Klamath Project Irrigation Facilities .pdf 1,265,506 B