Project Details
Title: Santa Clara Valley Water District California Aqueduct Reverse Flow Project
Summary: The State of California is currently experiencing unprecedented water management challenges due to severe drought and regulatory actions. Both the State and Federal water projects are forecasting very low storage conditions in all major reservoirs. As a result, CVP and SWP contractors need to find alternative sources of water to meet existing demands. In order to address impacts of the severe drought, Reclamation proposed to approve the placement of temporary pumping facilities to reverse the flow of previously banked CVP water northerly in the Aqueduct for exchange with Reclamation in the event normal operations are not possible.
Rain Emerson 559-262-0335 N/A
12/12/2014FONSI signed and EA completed on December 12, 2014.
11/04/2014Comments on draft EA due COB on November 18, 2014.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI and completed EA, Santa Clara Valley Water District California Aqueduct Reverse Flow Project .pdf 736 B
Final EA, Appendices, Santa Clara Valley Water District California Aqueduct Reverse Flow Project .pdf 3,021 B
Draft EA, Santa Clara Valley Water District California Aqueduct Reverse Flow Project .pdf 1,733 B