Project Details
Title: Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Project Right Bank Stabilization
Tracking Number:
Summary: 1. Reclamation seeks to improve public safety downstream of Folsom Dam by modifying the dam and its appurtenant structures. To mitigate potential safety concerns identified in previous and ongoing corrective action studies, potential modification alternatives will address a combination of hydrologic, seismic, and static issues of the Folsom Dam complex, which includes the Main Folsom Dam, Mormon Island Auxiliary Dam, the two wing dams and eight dikes. Potential modification alternatives include but are not limited to construction of an auxiliary spillway, dam and embankment raises, seismic retrofitting of structures, and dam and embankment static options. A major component of the project will be to locate and extract adequate borrow materials for embankment modifications.**************************************** 2. The purpose of the Supplemental EA/IS is to describe and analyze the effects of construction actions and revisions to the project since the release of the Folsom DS/FDR Final EIS/EIR. The Folsom DS/FDR Project, as approved and authorized, is currently under construction. This document does not change the project originally described in the Joint Federal Project (JFP) Record of Decision (ROD) and Safety of Dams (SOD) ROD, but proposes revisions to certain project actions that require further environmental analysis.*********************************************************************************************************** 3. For the Right Bank Stabilization Project, the Army Corps along with the CVFPB and SAFCA, proposes to install approximately 40 rock bolts along 400 feet of the lower right bank slope of the American River to stabilize a large rock mass. Reclamation will provide a Land Use Agreement to the Corps.
02/12/2015Reclamation signed the FONSI for the Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Project ? Right Bank Stabilization project on February 9, 2014. Reclamation?s FONSI is supported by the Corps Final Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Report prepared for the project.
05/20/2009EIS/EIR: Notice of Intent published 10/6/05. Scoping meetings held 12/05. Draft EIS/EIR available 11/30/06. Files for main volume of the DEIS/EIR are available for viewing below. Record of Decision for Safety of Dams/Security signed May 1, 2007; Record of Decision for Joint Federal Project signed May 3, 2007. *********** The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Draft Post Authorization Change (PAC) Report is available at:
04/15/2008Supplemental EA/IS: Draft EA/IS released for 30-day review on February 28, 2008. FONSI signed on April 14, 2008 and Final EA available April 15, 2008
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Project ? Right Bank Stabilization FONSI .pdf 3,495 B
Final Supplemental EA/IA and Signed FONSI, Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Final EIS/EIR .pdf 5,217 B
Draft Supplemental Environmental Assessment/Initial Study to the Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Final EIS/EIR .pdf 5,956 B
Record of Decision, Folsom Dam Safety and Flood Damage Reduction Joint Federal Project .pdf 416 B
FEIS/EIR, Project Description Part 1, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 2,830 B
FEIS/EIR, Project Description Part 2, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 4,198 B
FEIS/EIR, Chapters 3-6, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 628 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Comments/Responses Intro., Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 158 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 1, Interactive Comment Response Table, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 5,021 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 2, Hard Copy of Comments/Responses, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 1,074 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 1-26, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 628 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 26-39, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 642 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 39-55, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 636 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 56-75, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 672 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 76-121, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 923 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 122-148, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 765 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 149-276, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 1,578 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 277-373, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 1,739 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 373-400, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 1,075 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. A, Part 3, Comments 400-426, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 1,002 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. B, Hearing Summary Part 1, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 186 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. B, Hearing Summary Part 2, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 407 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. B, Hearing Summary Part 3, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 3,726 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. B, Hearing Summary Part 4, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 687 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. C, Errata for DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 63 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. E, FWCA Report Part 1, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 1,697 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. E, FWCA Report Part 2, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 2,238 B
FEIS/EIR, Append. E, FWCA Report Part 3, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 3,864 B
General Conformity Applicability Analysis for the Clean Air Act, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 525 B
Cover, DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 93 B
Table of Contents, DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 66 B
Abstract and Exec. Summary, DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 182 B
Chapter 2, Part 1; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 5,619 B
Chapter 2, Part 2; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 5,361 B
Chapter 2, Part 3; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 3,676 B
Chapter 2, Part 4; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 2,493 B
Chapter 3, Parts 3.0 - 3.4; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 712 B
Chapter 3, Parts 3.12 - 3.19; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 4,927 B
Chapter 3, Parts 3.5 - 3.8; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 1,795 B
Chapter 3, Parts 3.9 - 3.11; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 3,584 B
Chapters 4 to 10; DEIS/EIR, Folsom Dam Safety .pdf 498 B