Project Details
Title: 2013 Lower Klamath River Late Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam
Tracking Number:
Summary: Reclamation proposes to augment lower Klamath River flows to reduce the likelihood, and potentially reduce the severity, of any fish die-off. Reclamation would operate Trinity and Lewiston Reservoirs to target a minimum flow of 2,800 cfs in the lower Klamath River between August 15 and September 21, 2013.
08/06/2013Draft EA and FONSI available for review on July 16, 2013. Comments due by July 31, 2013. FONSI signed and final EA completed on August 6, 2013.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, 2013 Lower Klamath River Late Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam .pdf 157 B
Final EA, 2013 Lower Klamath River Late Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam .pdf 814 B
Public Comments, Part 1, 2013 Lower Klamath River Late Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Da .pdf 5,255 B
Public comments, part 2, 2013 Lower Klamath River Late Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam .pdf 4,345 B
Draft FONSI, 2013 Lower Klamath River Late Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam .pdf 228 B
Draft EA, 2013 Lower Klamath River Late Summer Flow Augmentation from Lewiston Dam .pdf 861 B