Hydromet Realtime Data Access - DFCGI

This web page provides access through a form to all functionality of the "DFCGI" database query program. Please note that all data are considered PROVISIONAL and subject to revision.

Program DFCGI is a general purpose data retrieval and formatting tool for accessing data directly from the Bureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Region Hydromet and Agrimet system "DAYFILES" database in Boise. The DAYFILES database includes all "real-time" data collected from the remote sites, as observed generally in 15 minute increments.

More information about using this program is available at https://www.usbr.gov/pn/hydromet/using_dfcgi.html


Select only one parameter, or "ALL" for all available parameters.
ALL = All available parameters at site
GH = Gauge Height, Feet (Stream)
Q = Discharge, cfs (Stream)
QH = Hourly Average Discharge, cfs (Stream)
CH = Gauge Height, Feet (Canal)
QC = Discharge, cfs (Canal)
FB = Reservoir Elevation, Feet
AF = Reservoir Storage, Acre-feet
PC = Cumulative Precipitation, Inches
OB = Air Temperature, Degrees F
SP = Snow Equivalent Water Content, Inches
WF = Water Temperature, Degrees F

Data Interval:
15 Minutes 30 Minutes 1 Hour 2 Hour 4 Hours 8 Hours

Data Lookback Period:
12 Hours 1 Day 2 Days 4 Days 1 Week 2 Weeks 4 Weeks

Output Format:
Default HTML Table
For Spreadsheet Import
Preformatted ASCII Table
Standard "DAYFILES" Format
"SHEF A" format, 2-digit year
"SHEF A" format, 4-digit year

Ending Date (Format YYYYMMMDD):
Leave blank for most current data, or enter desired ending date.

Last Updated: 2/27/18