
Meeting in Yakima, Washington

The Planning Lead coordinates the implementation of the Region’s WaterSMART studies, including Impacts Assessments (reconnaissance scale efforts), and Basin Studies (appraisal level studies at a local geographic scale in which Reclamation partners 50/50 with local agencies).

The Pacific Northwest Region is completing a Columbia River Basin Impacts Assessment (CRBIA) in which future flow will be generated at selected locations for use in understanding potential impacts on operational and environmental areas. Collaboration among Regional and Area Office staff is on-going.

Three Basin Studies have been conducted in the region including the:

Each of these studies must accomplish the following four main objectives:

  1. Determination of future supply and demand by river basin using state of the art projections
  2. Analysis of how the basin's existing water and power operations and infrastructure will perform in the face of changing water realities
  3. Development of options to improve operations and infrastructure to supply adequate water in the future.
  4. Recommendations on how to optimize operations and infrastructure in a basin to supply adequate water in the future.

The Planning Lead also responds to data calls from the Policy and Administration Office or Department of the Interior requesting feedback, review, or distribution of regulatory or planning type documents such as the Final Technical Guidance for Incorporating Climate Change Information into Water Resources Planning Study. The Planning Lead participates in the Great Northern, Great Basin, and Northern Pacific LCC meetings and coordinates PN Region efforts that are part of those LCCs.

Columbia River Basin Climate Impacts Assessment
The Effects of Climate Change on the Operation of the Boise River Reservoirs
Henrys Fork Basin Study
Hood River Basin Study
Willamette River Plan of Study
Yakima River Basin Study

Related Links
Climate and Hydrology Datasets for Use in the River Management Joint Operating Committee Agencies' Longer-Term Planning Studies
Secure Water Act


Carri Hessman
Program Manager
(208) 378-5106

Bureau of Reclamation
Pacific Northwest Regional Office
1150 North Curtis Road, Suite 100
Boise, Idaho 83706-1234

Last Updated: 9/1/16