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Reclamation launches WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant funding opportunity and extends drought resiliency project deadline

Media Contact: Peter Soeth 303-445-3615
For Release: Jun 16, 2020
A low-head hydropower generator in a canal in the Yakima basin. A low-head hydropower generator in a canal in the Yakima basin.
WASHINGTON - The Bureau of Reclamation is launching the 2021 WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant funding opportunity that support water management organizations developing projects that result in quantifiable and sustained water savings, increase the production of hydropower and support broader water reliability benefits. Applications for these grants are due on Sept. 17, 2020, at 4 p.m. MDT. Reclamation is also extending the deadline for the 2021 Drought Resiliency Projects funding opportunity while raising the maximum federal award for each of the two groups of projects.

These Reclamation grant programs support the Department of the Interior’s commitment to meeting the President's Memorandum on Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in the West.

For the Water and Energy Efficiency Grants, funding is available in two groups. This program provides up to $500,000 per agreement for projects that can be completed in two years and up to $2 million per agreement for projects that can be completed in three years. Recipients must match the funding with a minimum 50% cost-share. Learn more about this available grant at by searching for grant number BOR-DO-21-F001. Learn more about the Water and Energy Efficiency Grants at

The Drought Resiliency Projects funding opportunity announced on May 4, 2020, is being extended until August 5, 2020, at 4 p.m. MDT. The funding available for each project has been increased up to $500,000 for projects that can be completed in two years and up to $1.5 million for projects that can be completed in three years. The funding opportunity is available at by searching funding opportunity number BOR-DO-20-F002. Learn more about the Drought Program at

Eligible applicants for funding include states, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts or other organizations with water and power delivery authority located in the western United States or territories. Alaska and Hawaii are also eligible to apply.

Through WaterSMART, Reclamation works cooperatively with states, tribes and local entities as they plan for and implement actions to increase water supply reliability through investments to modernize existing infrastructure and attention to local water conflicts. Visit to learn more.

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