Project Details
Title: Grassland Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Pilot Project - Water Years 2012-2013 Environmental Assessment
Summary: Under the proposed action, Reclamation would purchase up to approximately 10,000 acre-feet of water per year (through February 28, 2014) from the Grassland Water District to meet refuge water needs. All water will be provided from existing wells, previously used from irrigation by local landowners. Water would be conveyed using existing infrastructure. No new water conveyance construction would occur.
Brad Hubbard (916) 978-5204 (916) 978-5290
08/20/2012Supplemental FONSI signed on June 19, 2012.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Supplemental FONSI,Grassland Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Pilot Project - Water Years 2012-2013 .pdf 3,304 B
Attachment 1, Supplemental FONSI,Grassland Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Pilot Project - Water Years 2012-2013 .pdf 780 B
2008 Signed FONSI and Final EA, Grassland Incremental Level 4 Groundwater Acquisition Pilot Project - Water Years 2008-2010 .pdf 4,682 B