Project Details
Title: RD 2035 Joint Intake and Fish Screen Project EA/IS
Summary: Reclamation proposes to provide cost-share funding to RD 2035 through its Anadromous Fish Screen Program for replacing their existing unscreened intake structure on the Sacramento River with a new screened intake structure facility that meets the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) anadromous fish screen criteria. Reclamation?s involvement is limited to contributing up to 50% of the cost of the fish screen based on the total cost of screening associated with the historical peak diversions at the existing RD 2035 intake. This funding will be provided by Reclamation under Section 3406(b)(21) of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act which authorizes the Department of the Interior to develop and implement measures to avoid losses of juvenile anadromous fish resulting from unscreened diversions on the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries.
Shelly Hatleberg (916) 978 5050 (916) 978-5290
07/03/2014EA/IS Addendum #1 completed July 2014.
11/21/2013The FONSI was signed on 11/19/2013
01/28/2013Draft EA/IS was available for review from May 1, 2012 to June 1, 2012. Final EA/IS under preparation.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
EA/IS Addendum #1 - RD 2035/Woodland Davis Clean Water Agency Joint Intake and Fish Screen .pdf 2,968 B
FONSI - RD 2035/Woodland Davis Clean Water Agency Joint Intake and Fish Screen .pdf 459 B
EA - RD 2035/Woodland Davis Clean Water Agency Joint Intake and Fish Screen .pdf 6,647 B
RD 2035/Woodland Davis Clean Water Agency Joint Intake and Fish Screen Draft Initial Study/Environmental Assessment .pdf 4,920 B