Project Details
Title: Lower Klamath River Sub-Basin Upslope Sedimentation Prevention Project EA
Summary: Reclamation proposes to provide funding to the Yurok Tribal Watershed Restoration Program as a cost share with the California Department of Fish and Game). The purpose of the Proposed Action is to decommission approximately one mile of road owned by Green Diamond Resource Company. Additional erosion control measures would also be applied to the road and the stream crossings associated with the road. The action is needed reduce the potential for delivery of sediment to prime spawning and rearing habitat for coho salmon and to prevent the erosion of natural stream channels due to an increased flow volume.
Kristen Hiatt (541) 880-2577 N/A
02/10/2012FONSI signed and final EA completed on February 9, 2011.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI and EA, Lower Klamath River Sub-Basin Upslope Sedimentation Prevention Project .pdf 4,877 B
NMFS letter in EA; Lower Klamath River Sub-Basin Upslope Sedimentation Prevention Project .pdf 6,546 B
FWS letter in EA; Lower Klamath River Sub-Basin Upslope Sedimentation Prevention Project .pdf 694 B