Project Details
Title: Coleman Barrier Weir Site Modifications
Summary: The U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) are working cooperatively on a new Proposed Action located at the Barrier Weir and Ladder facility at the Coleman National Fish Hatchery (CNFH), near Anderson, California, Shasta County. Reclamation and the Service propose additional modifications be made to the overshot gate and wastewater wall to prevent unwanted upstream migration during critical times of the year. In addition, the Proposed Action would restore viewing opportunities for the visiting public by constructing a new viewing platform that would provide the visiting public with a direct view of the adult salmon that congregate at the base of the Barrier Weir.
Paul Zedonis (530) 276-2047 (530) 275-2441
09/27/2011EA/FONSI available September 30, 2011
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Coleman National Fish Hatchery - Barrier Weir Site Modifications FONSI .pdf 75 B
Coleman National Fish Hatchery - Barrier Weir Site Modifications EA .pdf 3,205 B
Coleman National Fish Hatchery - Barrier Weir Site Modifications EA, Appendix .pdf 6,174 B