Project Details
Title: Butte Water District Canal Automation Project, Draft EA/FONSI
Summary: Under the Sacramento Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (SVIWRMP) Grants Program, Reclamation proposes to provide financial assistance to the Butte Water District (District) for the replacement of the Thresher Weir on the District's Main Canal. The purpose of this Project is take a first step toward improving irrigation service and reducing water shortages by replacing the existing undersized, manually-operated structure at Thresher Weir with an enlarged weir equipped with electrically-driven, remotely-operated gates. In addition to improving irrigation service, installation of automated gates will improve regional water supply reliability by reducing spillage from the canal and laterals and will reduce tailwater now caused by the inability to adjust lateral flows to meet scheduled shutoffs of deliveries.
Shelly Hatleberg (916) 978 5050 (916) 978-5290
09/02/2011Draft EA/FONSI available for public review on July 14, 2011. Comments due July 28, 2011. FONSI signed and final EA completed on August 18, 2011.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Butte Water District Canal Automation Project .pdf 3,099 B
Final EA, Butte Water District Canal Automation Project .pdf 2,061 B
Draft FONSI, Butte Water District Canal Automation Project .pdf 89 B
Draft EA, Butte Water District Canal Automation Project .pdf 4,911 B