Project Details
Title: Categorical Exclusion Checklists for Calendar Year 2011
Tracking Number:
Summary: Attached are the recent Categorical Exclusion Checklists for the Lahontan Basin Area Office. A CEC excludes certain categories of Federal actions from further NEPA documentation because these categories of actions have been determined in a public process to have no significant affect on the environment nor do they involve unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources.
Rena Ballew 775-884-8342 N/A
01/01/20112011 LBAO CE Checklists
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
AT&T Fiber Optic Line License .pdf 508 B
ATV Crossing at Prosser Reservoir .pdf 200 B
Boy Scouts, California Emigrant Trail Sign Project CEC .pdf 744 B
Churchill County Rd Dept, Ll Culvert Replacements .pdf 187 B
Culvert Extensions into Naval Air Station Fallon for Perimeter Fence Improvement .pdf 270 B
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Reservation Bridge Replacement and Modification .pdf 218 B
Hazen Water Inlet Closure, Truckee Canal .pdf 1,714 B
J. Kennard, S-Line Access License@ Ditch House Lane .pdf 286 B
Navy E4X Drain Abandonment .pdf 332 B
Oasis Lift Station Reinstall CEC .pdf 426 B
Prosser Creek Dam Access Road Rehabilitation and Extension .pdf 852 B
SW Gas, Gas Main Replace on Wood Dr. in L-Line ROW .pdf 282 B
Southwest Gas Pipeline Crossing L1-7 Lateral Canal, Newlands Project .pdf 302 B
Stampede Reservoir Weather Stations .pdf 183 B
Truckee Canal Turnouts Rehabilitation Project - Fernley Ranch CEC .pdf 774 B
Truckee Carson Irrigation District S-Line Canal Re-compaction and Vegetation Removal .pdf 715 B