Project Details
Title: San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area Resource Management Plan/General Plan and Programmatic EIS/EIR
Tracking Number:
Summary: The San Luis Reservoir State Recreation Area (SRA) consists of more than 27,000 acres of land owned by Reclamation and includes the water surfaces of San Luis Reservoir, O?Neill Forebay, Los Banos Creek Reservoir and adjacent recreation lands in Merced County, California. The Resource Management Plan/General Plan is intended to guide recreation and resource management at the SRA in a way that maintains and enhances public and resource benefits and is consistent with Reclamation?s core mission of delivering water and generating power.
Dave Woolley 559-487-5049 559-487-5194
05/01/2014Reclamation signed the Record of Decision on April 4, 2014.
06/21/2013The Final EIS/EIR RMP/GP is made available on June 24, 2013.
01/16/2013The Final EIS/EIR is anticipated by April, 2013 and the ROD is anticipated by June 2013.
08/03/2012Printed copies of the documents are available at the following locations: **************************************** California State Parks, Four Rivers Sector Office, 31426 Gonzaga Road, Gustine, CA 95322 **************************************** Los Banos Library, 1312 South 7th Street, Los Banos, CA 93635 **************************************** Bureau of Reclamation, SCCAO, 1243 N Street, Fresno, CA 93721 **************************************** California State Parks, Northern Service Center, One Capitol Mall, Suite 410, Sacramento, CA 95814 **************************************** Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region, Regional Library, 2800 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA 95825 **************************************** Natural Resources Library, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C Street NW, Main Interior Building, Washington D.C. 20240-0001
08/02/2012The Draft EIS/EIR for the San Luis Reservoir RMP/GP was available for public review from August 3, 2012 through October 5, 2012.
01/24/2012Public scoping meetings were held in early 2003.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Record of Decision - SLRSRA RMP/GP EIS/EIR .pdf 267 B
Cover thru Ch. 1 - Final EIS/EIR and RMP/GP for the San Luis Reservoir SRA .pdf 1,880 B
Ch. 2 - Final EIS/EIR and RMP/GP for the San Luis Reservoir SRA .pdf 5,097 B
Ch. 3 thru 10 - Final EIS/EIR and RMP/GP for the San Luis Reservoir SRA .pdf 2,748 B
Appendix A and B - Final EIS/EIR and RMP/GP for the San Luis Reservoir SRA .pdf 658 B
Appendix C, Part 1 - Final EIS/EIR and RMP/GP for the San Luis Reservoir SRA .pdf 4,577 B
Appendix C, Part 2 - Final EIS/EIR and RMP/GP for the San Luis Reservoir SRA .pdf 3,479 B
Appendix D - Final EIS/EIR and RMP/GP for the San Luis Reservoir SRA .pdf 3,906 B
Draft EIS/EIR for the San Luis Reservoir SRA Resource Management Plan/General Plan - Cover_thru_Ch2 .pdf 6,349 B
Draft EIS/EIR for the San Luis Reservoir SRA Resource Management Plan/General Plan - Ch3_thru_Attachments .pdf 5,753 B