Project Details
Title: 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project Environmental Assessment
Summary: The proposed Demonstration Project is a 5-year experiment to validate a new delta smelt behavioral model and study the effects of modifying flows in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) to protect delta smelt and other sensitive aquatic species from entrainment in Central Valley Project (CVP) and State Water Project (SWP) export pumps. Research suggests that the pre-spawning migration of adult delta smelt is tied to sediment/suspended particles in the water (turbidity). Temporary gates would be placed across Old River and Connection Slough in the central Delta and operated from December to March to keep turbid water away from the CVP and SWP export pumps, thus keeping adult delta smelt away from the pumps, and in March and June to prevent larvae and juvenile delta smelt from being entrained by the export pumps.
11/13/2009The Draft EA/FONSI was available for review on October 19, 2009. The comment period was extended to November 30, 2009. Public meetings held on October 26 in Fresno, on October 27 in Discovery Bay, and on October 28 in Stockton. Appendices to the EA are available by contacting the person listed above.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Draft FONSI, 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project .pdf 100 B
Draft EA; Introduction, Chapter 1; 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project .pdf 406 B
Draft EA, Chapter 2, 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project .pdf 4,816 B
Draft EA, Chapter 3, 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project .pdf 5,196 B
Draft EA, Chapters 4-7, 2-Gates Fish Protection Demonstration Project .pdf 488 B