Project Details
Title: Trout Unlimited's Bogus Creek Flow Meter Installation Project
Summary: Bogus Creek is one of the most utilized salmon spawning tributaries in the Klamath Basin for coho salmon as it provides a consistent supply of cold water that is vital to coho populations. The proposed Bogus Creek Flow Meter Installation Project would include installation of flow meters on the three irrigation diversion outlet pipes along Bogus Creek to more accurately monitor consumption, eliminate excess irrigation diversions, and ensure that necessary base flows be left in stream for the benefit of endangered SONCC coho salmon.
Kirk Young (541) 880-2589 N/A
09/25/2018FONSI signed
09/10/2018Draft EA posted for public comments. Comments are due by COB September 14th, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Trout Unlimited's Bogus Creek Flow Meter Installation Project .pdf 382,527 B
Environmental Assessment, Trout Unlimited's Bogus Creek Flow Meter Installation Project .pdf 4,614,211 B
Draft Environmental Assessment Trout Unlimited's Bogus Creek Flow Meter Installation Project .pdf 4,720,000 B