Project Details
Title: Hilton Creek Gravel Augmentation Project
Summary: Reclamation proposed to conduct a short-term (1-2 month) and one-time per year project in Hilton Creek that will be conducted over a two year period. The project would occur in late fall or early winter of 2017-2018 and summer or fall of 2018-2019. The project would consist of manual placement of gravel at specific locations known for spawning habitats.
Kathleen Linder 559-262-0340 N/A
01/31/2018Final documents uploaded.
12/26/2017Comments are due by COB January 19, 2018.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - Hilton Creek Gravel Augmentation Project .pdf 243,764 B
Final EA - Hilton Creek Gravel Augmentation Project .pdf 950,271 B
Final Appendix A - Reclamation's Cultural Resources Determination .pdf 128,030 B
Final Appendix B - National Marine Fisheries Service Concurrence Memorandum .pdf 94,414 B
Final Appendix C - Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's Clean Water Act 401 Certification .pdf 372,222 B
Final Appendix D - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Section 404 Nationwide Permit Verification .pdf 993,156 B
Draft FONSI - Hilton Creek Gravel Augmentation Project .pdf 182,797 B
Draft EA - Hilton Creek Gravel Augmentation Project .pdf 1,085,231 B
Draft Appendix A - Reclamation's Cultural Resources Determination .pdf 100,933 B
Appendix B - National Marine Fisheries Service Concurrence Memorandum .pdf 73,522 B
Appendix C - Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board's Clean Water Act 401 Certification .pdf 349,517 B
Appendix D - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Section 404 Nationwide Permit Verification .pdf 1,157,266 B