Project Details
Title: 2018-2020 American River Division Interim Water Service Contract Renewal for the Placer County Water Agency
Summary: Reclamation proposes to issue an interim CVP water service contract with Placer County Water Agency (PCWA) to facilitate the annual delivery of up to 35,000 acre-feet of CVP water for municipal and industrial uses in Placer County. The term of the PCWA contract would be from March 1, 2018, through Feb. 28, 2020. Deliveries would be made through existing facilities, and no new construction is required as part of the Proposed Action. In the event a new long-term water service contract is executed, the interim renewal contract then in effect would be superseded by the long-term water service contract and analyzed under a separate process.
Elizabeth Dyer 916-537-7061 N/A
11/13/2017EA available for review on November 13, 2017. Comments due by close of business Monday, December 4, 2017.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI - 2018-2020 American River Division 24-month Interim Renewal Water Service Contract for the Placer County Water Agency .pdf 316,048 B
EA, 2018-2020 American River Division 24-Month Interim Renewal Water Service Contract for the Placer County Water Agency .pdf 1,165,743 B