Project Details
Title: Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion
Tracking Number:
Summary: Under the Proposed Action, Reclamation would approve the inclusion of multiple Contra Costa County Assessor's Parcel Numbers into the Contra Costa Water District's CVP service area. This inclusion of 1,246.6 acres will allow Contra Costa Water District (Via Diablo Water District) to deliver CVP water to the proposed development for M&I purposes. Reclamation does no have land use authority over the development of the Cypress Preserve Property. The City of Oakley is the authorizing entity for the development and it has approved development of the Cypress Preserve Property.
Jennifer Lewis 559-487-5197 N/A
09/12/2018FONSI signed
10/05/2017Draft FONSI and EA posted for public comment. Comments due by COB November 5, 2017.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
FONSI, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 254,782 B
EA, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 1,790,100 B
EA Appendix A, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 1,812,155 B
EA Appendix B, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 1,748,557 B
EA Appendix C, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 3,770,833 B
EA Appendix D, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 191,110 B
EA Appendix E, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 3,767,096 B
EA Appendix F, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 450,837 B
EA Appendix G, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 5,644,008 B
EA Appendix H, Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 481,249 B
Draft FONSI - Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 129,410 B
Draft EA - Contra Costa Water District Cypress Preserve Property Inclusion .pdf 1,440,901 B
Appendix A: Clean Water Act, Section 401 Water Quality Certification .pdf 1,828,622 B
Appendix B: Streambed Alteration Agreement .pdf 1,730,829 B
Appendix C: Biological Opinion and Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Essential Fish Habitat Consultation from the National Marine Fisheries Service .pdf 3,776,795 B
Appendix D: Essential Fish Habitat Recommendations .pdf 173,426 B
Appendix E: Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program .pdf 4,128,576 B
Appendix F: Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Analysis .pdf 433,138 B