Project Details
Title: Santa Clara Valley Water District's 2017 Pacheco Conduit Maintenance Project
Summary: Reclamation would authorize the Santa Clara Valley Water District's maintenance project which includes access for inspection, maintenance, or rehabilitation the Pacheco Conduit, Santa Clara Conduit, and Santa Clara Tunnel. District engineering and maintenance staff would access the entirety of San Felipe Division Reach 1 facilities, the first two miles of the San Felipe Division Reach 2 facilities, and all appurtenances on the Pacheco Conduit, the section of the Santa Clara Conduit between the Bifurcation Structure and the Santa Clara Tunnel, and the Santa Clara Tunnel.
Stacy Holt 559-487-5295 N/A
06/06/2017Draft Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact was available for public review on April 7, 2017. Comments were due on April 21, 2017. FONSI was signed on May 12, 2017.
List of Available Reports
File Report Title File Ext File Size
Signed FONSI, Santa Clara Valley Water District's 2017 Pacheco Conduit Maintenance Project EA-15-059 .pdf 365,100 B
Final EA,Santa Clara Valley Water District's 2017 Pacheco Conduit Maintenance Project EA-15-059 .pdf 1,019,017 B
Draft Environmental Assessment Santa Clara Valley Water District's 2017 Pacheco Conduit Maintenance Project EA-15-059 .pdf 1,110,114 B
Environmental Assessment Appendix A .pdf 1,304,914 B
Environmental Assessment Appendix B .pdf 105,138 B
Environmental Assessment Appendix C .pdf 286,831 B
Environmental Assessment Appendix D .pdf 212,164 B
Environmental Assessment Appendix E .pdf 1,623,657 B
Environmental Assessment Appendix F .pdf 95,668 B
Environmental Assessment Appendix G .pdf 1,992,359 B
Draft FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Santa Clara Valley Water District's 2017 Pacheco Conduit Maintenance Project FONSI-15-059 .pdf 227,615 B